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Build a Precision-Driven Marketing Plan

Importance of Marketing for Manufacturers

your brand...

Provides top-quality products and services to your clients

Customer service icon

Delivers outstanding customer service

Briefcase Icon

Fosters a supportive workplace for meaningful careers

Has an incredible story

Is your business effectively communicating its story?

Craft a Compelling and Authentic Brand Narrative

At Dayta, we specialize in storytelling for businesses, helping to craft a compelling and authentic brand narrative that not only supports the local economy but also showcases your commitment to providing steady, meaningful employment. We understand that you do great work, but the challenge often lies in effectively broadcasting this to a wider audience.

Essential Tools to Elevate Your Organization

Our practical approach to marketing strategy, execution, and management, combined with the innovative Dayta Pods and fractional marketing management, sharpens your competitive edge. We equip you with the essential tools to elevate your organization and drive substantial business growth by adeptly telling your unique story.

B2B Marketing Means Sales Support

Often times when people think about marketing, their mind immediately jumps to advertising. And in some verticals, that’s fine. But if you’re in the B2B marketing space, unless you are selling some kind of wide-net, transactional product or service, marketing means sales support. If you don’t already see your B2B marketing role as a function of your company’s sales team, we want to challenge you to change your mindset. 

Now, we're making some generalizations, but there are two commonalities that tie B2B companies together regardless of industry that spark the need for a different marketing approach:

  • You have a razor thin audience.

    Meaning only a very very small fraction of the general public has a need or the authority to buy your product or service. - Ex. Owner/executive at a lumber yard. Purchasing manager at a manufacturing operation. SMB business owners in the Fargo/Moorhead area. 

  • You have a relatively long sales cycle.

    Your customers aren’t making quick transactional buying decisions when they commit to working with your company.  We call these “considered purchases.”

The point is, you’re not selling pizza. And you absolutely can’t market like you’re selling pizza. If your business fits these two criteria: Thin audience and long sales cycle, the content in this video is speaking directly to you.

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Dayta was the perfect partner for us when updating our brand and website.

Red River Software


Modern Manufacturing & Engineering

“Dayta was the perfect partner for us when we were looking to update our brand and website. We have been highly recommending them to other businesses we know. The team of people we have worked with at Dayta took the time to get to know us and really understand our business. It's easy to see the value behind having a talented team build our marketing strategy, create a unique and consistent brand, and help us think about what's next. We are very happy with our new website and are eager to add to it. We wanted to have an updated, modern site that helped us showcase who we really are as a company and what sets us apart from competitors. We feel it will not only help us drive new business but will help us attract new employees as well.

The process was easy and always remained on schedule. I never had to follow up with them to wonder where our project was at. We knew the Dayta team was diligently working for us to see the project through to completion. Everyone we worked with, from first meeting them and considering using Dayta, to meeting about our website and other follow-on projects, has been great to work with. They offer great ideas and are always helpful and ready to take on the next challenge. We look forward to what is next with our partnership with Dayta!”

Manufacturing leaders love us.

Our manufacturing clients rely on us to help them meet their goals, whether that's growing their customer base, opening new markets, or helping them recruit and retain the talent they need to grow.

Pre-assessment questionnaire distributed to key team members.


Industry, campaign, and competitor research.


90-minute interactive facilitated session.


Assessment results and marketing recommendations and timeline.


Our Promise: Throughout this 2-3 week process, your team will gain valuable insights and productive planning strategies, regardless of partnership.

Ready to elevate your manufacturing business?

Connect with Dayta for a free assessment of your digital footprint. Discover how our tailored, results-driven marketing strategies can secure your business's future.

Get a Free Assessment
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