Dayta Logo

Logo & Branding Services

Business Branding Services

Branding tells your company’s story with a single glance. The right  branding can speak volumes about who you are as a business, what you’re all about, and even evoke trust, confidence and other positive associations in your audience.

With that in mind, ask yourself this: 
Could you recognize your branding in the wild if you didn't see the logo?

If the answer isn’t an emphatic “Yes!”,  you can do better. Your business deserves strong, clear branding that is distinctly aligned with your company identity and goals.

Drawing logo concepts
designing logos on the computer

Logo Design Services

Your Dayta Pod can help your team identify the ways in which your company is valuable to your customers and different from your competitors. We’ll help you find an authentic answer to a crucial question — How do you want your customers to feel when they see your brand out in the world? — and conceptualize that answer in a beautifully designed, distinctive logo and branding guide.

Let us be your guide on a journey toward branding you and your customers will love and — most importantly — identify with.

A black and white drawing of a person 's head with a brain in it.


Why do you need a new logo? What should your logo accomplish? Our team will guide you through a strategic process to identify your unique brand traits.

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.


Our team of experienced designers collaborate on ideas to bring the brand vision to life. We create custom logo options and collaborate with you throughout the selection process.

A black and white drawing of a laptop and a cell phone on a white background.


A branding guide document will capture your brand voice, logo file usage, typography, brand colors, and more. It will act as the roadmap for implementing your brand strategy.

A black and white drawing of a book with a circle in the middle.


Show off your new logo with updated sales materials, business cards, social media graphics, advertising graphics or through website updates!

Print & Graphic Design Services

Make no mistake. Physical brand assets still draw attention in this digital world.

Our skilled design team will bring your brand to life with business collateral, flyers, folders, binders, packaging and more. We proudly partner with both local and online printing companies to create innovative, high-quality print pieces.

Logo Design

Business Cards


Social Graphics

Vehicle Graphics

Flyers & Posters

Direct Mail

Trade Show Displays

Examples of graphic design work
Examples of Graphic Design Work

Ready to start your next design project?

Contact our team for a free assessment and to learn more about our creative services.

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